Get to Know Me & My Philosophy

Sam Kelokates, P.T., D.P.T. &
Headache Expert
Sam has an extensive background in neurological disorders and is an expert on treating and managing chronic pain. This work led him to start his own practice where he is passionate about helping those suffering from headache disorders. He opened Kelos Physical Therapy in January 2021.
He became interested in treating headaches after dealing with tension headaches throughout graduate school and the first few years of practice. After successfully using his physical therapy experience and lifestyle management to address his own headaches he began working with friends and family, and then patients. As a healthcare professional, he strives to provide an comprehensive approach to the treatment of headache disorders.
Health, Movement, Wellbeing
Sam takes a uniquely individualized approach in the management of headache and migraine disorders. These conditions are very complex and require a thorough plan of care to address the multifactorial causes.
Sam's approach focuses on a three pronged strategy to address your specific condition. During this process, Sam works with you to identify and treat your triggers, educate you on your condition, and providing a comprehensive long-term plan of care that will lead to fewer headaches!
The goals of his program are:
1. To help you understand your unique condition
2. Make a specialized treatment plan for you
3. Create a long term plan to maintain improvements long after discharge!
Sam believes that with a team-like approach to care, and providing you with the knowledge and skills to treat your condition will lead to fewer headache days, and rely less on healthcare professionals to treat your condition.